Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Twas the night before the 8.01 final

‘Twas the night before the 8.01 final No. Really. Finals week starts tomorrow, and my 8.01 final is in ten hours, but Ive been studying quite a bit this weekend. Stalling=blog post! Woo hoo! With that said, here are a few of the things Ive seen while running around campus, finding places to sit and study physics. Yesterday, on my way to the Student Lounge off the Infinite, I saw that this hack 4.301 final project (after reading the comments, I checked things out it is for a class) had been moved to the East Campus courtyard. Apparently, this has something to do with some expensive and less-than-attractive (in some peoples opinions) art pieces located around campus. Dont look at me. I didnt do it. Speaking of EC, this evening when I was walking home from studying at the student center, these had been strung from the windows of 5th West: Oh, the holiday spirit. This one may require a bit of explaining: Or you can just watch this, a video of an interesting phone call made during my 18.02 class last week Friday during our review for the final. And thats all from me. Sleep! Finally! Well, two hours on the radio first. Then sleep. I leave you with a picture of A-Control of WMBR, MITs campus radio station. (Thats Hanna 10, who does the show with me, hiding in the corner.)

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