Monday, September 30, 2019

How Vainly Men Themselves Amaze Essay

1.Introduce the author and the title of the story. What is the story about? Try to answer in one sentence. 2.What is the genre of the story? (epistolary, a fragment from a novel, a play, a poem, a newspaper article, a short story, etc.) From whose point of view are the events presented? What type of narration is it? ( the text is wholly narrative, is a first person /a third person narration, the story is told from the point of view of†¦/perceived through the eyes of†¦/combines narration with description and elements of dialogue ) What effect is achieved by this type of narration in the given genre? 3.Comment on the composition of the story. What does the author gain from this particular composition? What distinct parts does the text fall into? What does each part describe/reveal/llustrate/present? Find the key sentense of each part. Prove the unity of each part both stylistically and pragmatically. If you are analyzing a complete piece of fiction trace the basic elements of the plot ( exposition, complication, climax, denouement ), provide the chain of events in short precise sentences in the present tense. Comment on the author’s arrangement of the elements of the plot with regard to the development of the conflict (external/internal, physical, psychological, moral, etc.). 4.What are your impressions of the characters? Give adjectives and prove your impression by quoting the text and commenting on the means used by the author to create/achieve this impression. Specify whether direct or indirect character drawing is chosen by the author. 5.What is the message of the story? Base your answer on the analysis of the characters and the title. 6.Comment on the cultural aspect of the story (Is the language British or American English? Prove your point of view). Provide some linguistic analysis.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Behavioural Studies

Self-Presentation, also known as Impression Management (IM) is primarily a goal-directed conscious or unconscious attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event by regulating and controlling information in social interaction. If a person tries to influence the perception of his image, this activity is called self-presentation. With regard to the self-monitoring, it is the extent to which people monitor and control their expressive behavior and self-presentation.High self-monitors exert more expressive control over their social behavior and tend to adapt their appearance and acts to specific circumstances. The situation is different with low self-monitors, who display less motivation towards improving their self-presentation. They act more naturally and are least bothered about their public image. This essay has been designed to establish a relationship between the self-presentation and self-monitoring. In the beginning both the concepts will be e xplained followed by an analysis of the relationship between them.What is Self-Presentation Self-presentation, also known as impression management is the process by which people attempt to manage or control the perception others form of them. There is often a tendency for people to try to present themselves so as to impress others in a socially desirable way. The theory of impression management states that any individual or organization must establish and maintain impressions that are congruent with the perceptions they want to convey to their publics.The impression management theory describes the methods through which people take actions to a create a public perception, in order to achieve their personal or organizational goals (â€Å"Impression Management† 2006, pars. 1-5). As with other cognitive processes, impression management has many possible conceptual dimensions (Dunegan 1993, pp. 491) and has been researched in relation to aggression, attitude change, attributions, social facilitation, and leadership.It is basically an intentional or un-intentional goal-directed approach to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event by regulating and controlling information in social interaction. In short, we can say that if a person tries to influence the perception of his/her image, the activity is called self-presentation. What is Self-Monitoring In any scenario, people are generally motivated to behave appropriately and in a manner which is appealing to others.The theory of self-monitoring explains the extent to which people value, create, cultivate, and project social images and public appearance (Gangestad & Snyder, 2000, p. 531). The level of control which the people apply is different from a person to person. Some people may not care much about the perception others make of them. They say what they believe. These people are included in the category of low self-monitors. On the other hand, high self-monitors, are likely to avoid talking about themselves as they really are, and use pretense and deception in their efforts to play to the crowd (Buss and Brigg 1984, p.1310). In general, self-monitoring involves three major tendencies: †¢ The willingness to be the center of attention — a tendency to behave in outgoing, extraverted ways. †¢ Sensitivity to the reactions of others. †¢ Ability and willingness to adjust behavior to induce positive reactions in others. High and Low Self-Monitors As states earlier, some people are more sensitive to the image they form when in public. Such people are very self-conscious and like to ‘look good' and will hence usually adapt well to differing social situations. These people are called the high self-monitors.The high self-monitors would observe people and note their response to different behaviors of other people. On the other hand, there are people are less concerned about what others think about them. They are termed as low self-monitors . Low self-monitors do not make any effort to exercise control over their expressive behavior. High and low self-monitors possess different qualities. They regulate their behaviour in public in different ways. High self-monitors would generally adjust their social behaviours according to situational cues, whereas low self-monitors regulate their social behaviours according to their dispositions.Low self-monitors usually conform their behavior to their internal beliefs. Another major difference between high and low self-monitors is that the low self-monitors would choose friends based upon their liking whereas, the selection criteria for friends is different in high self-monitors. The high self-monitors choose friends as activity partners for their leisure time based on the friends’ skill in the specific activity. Moreover, high self-monitors will be more concerned about the partner’s physical appearance than the personality (Snyder, Berscheid, & Glick, 1985).Relationsh ip Between Self-Presentation and Self-Monitoring Self-presentation and self-monitoring are inter-related terms. In simple words, self-presentation is the way one presents himself/herself and self-monitoring is the level of control exerted during the process of self-presentation. Accordingly, high and low self-monitors will have different degree of self-presentation. High self-monitors are more adoptable and would adjust their behaviors across situations because they are more sensitive to the expectation of others.Their style of self-presentation would generally be more appropriate and suiting to every scenario they confront (Snyder, 1974, p. 527). They would always ask themselves as to what does this situation want them to be (Snyder, 1987, p. 32). They will constantly observe before exposing themselves. They will not express their emotions unless they are sure of their appropriateness. The high self-monitors will exhibit relatively low behavioral consistency across situations. They would tend to make a different image or face which is superficial, but will be corresponding to the situation.On the other hand, low self-monitors would present themselves as natural as they are and will seldom make any conscious effort to conceal their inner sentiments. Their behavior will usually be consistent across situations. The low self-monitors’ expressive self-presentation will be articulated by their inner attitudes, dispositions, and values. Low self-monitors are not concerned about the â€Å"appropriateness of their self-presentation† (Snyder, 1974. p. 527). Another important aspect of the relationship between self-presentation and low self-monitors is that they are often described as individuals who lack self-presentation concerns.They will not make much effort in adjusting their behaviour in accordance with situational demands. Their self-presentation will be natural and least concerned with the expectations of others. On the contrary, high self-monitors would make all concerted efforts in controlling their behavioural patterns which are conflicting with the situations. They are the ones whose self-presenting will be much applauded and their personalities will usually be graded as sober and acceptable. In one experiment, Snyder (1974) found that professional stage actors scored higher than non-actors on measures of self-monitoring.Professional actors genuinely possess acting ability and control over their emotions, expression, and behaviour. They were able to adapt to changing situations adequately. Their self-presentation was therefore much more stable and suiting the environment. In another experiment on ordinary college students, high self-monitors were found to be better than the low self-monitors in expressing different emotions like anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust, fear, and guilt. High self-monitors can even adapt to sudden changing moods.When high self-monitors were asked to act like an extraverted, friendly, a nd outgoing person and then suddenly to act like an introverted, withdrawn, and reserved person, high self-monitors adopted each role better than low self-monitors did (Lippa, 1976). Conclusion Self-presentation is how we tend to present ourselves. It is how we want people to look at us. The art of exercising control over our emotions, behaviour, and moods is basically the self-monitoring. Self-monitoring refers to a person's ability to adjust his or her behaviour to external situational factors.Individuals high in self-monitoring show considerable adaptability in their behaviour. They can behave differently in varying situations. They are found to be much capable of presenting striking contradictions between the public persona and the private self. On the other hand, it becomes difficult for low self-monitors to disguise themselves this way (â€Å"Self-Monitoring Scale,† 2006). In nut shell, high self-monitors are more concerned about self-presentation than the low self-moni tors. Bibliography Buss, A. H. , & Briggs, S. R. (1984). Drama and the self in social interaction.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1310-1324. Dunegan, K. J. (1993, June). Framing Cognitive Modes, and Image Theory. Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 491. Gangestad, S. W. , & M. Snyder (2000). Self-monitoring: Appraisal and Reappraisal. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 530-555. â€Å"Impression Management,† (2006). Wikipedia, viewed 30 August 2006, http://www. answers. com/self-presentation Lippa, R. (1976). Expressive control, expressive consistency, and the correspondence between expressive behavior and personality. Journal of Personality, 44, 541-559.â€Å"Self-Monitoring Scale. † (2006). Viewed 30 August 2006, http://pubpages. unh. edu/~ckb/SELFMON2. html Snyder, M. (1974). Self-monitoring of expressive behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30, 434-461. Snyder, M. (1987). Public appearances/private realities: The psychology of self-moni toring. New York, Freeman. Snyder, M. , Berscheid, E. , & Glick, P. (1985). Focusing on the exterior and the interior: Two investigations of the initiation of personal relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48 , 1427-1439.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Children Act 1989 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Children Act 1989 - Essay Example The Act emphasizes that, where possible, children should participate in decision-making about their future well being. Subject only to the child's understanding, such participation requires that a child is provided with relevant information and is consulted at every stage in the process of decision-making. It is the general duty of every Local Authority to: Safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their area who are in need and So far as is consistent with that duty, to promote the upbringing of such children by their families by providing a range and level of services appropriate to those children's needs and design it to help prevent abuse and neglect. The keynote to achieving this aim is careful joint planning and agreement in the provision of services within the family home, assisting and enhancing the parental authority. As per the Children Act relative to the Department of constitutional affairs, since the act and the strategies impact directly upon young people in their own right particularly in areas such as helping the vulnerable and increasing confidence in justice. They also influence the future habits of young people in areas such as proportionate dispute resolution and democratic engagement. As with other stakeholders the DCA benefits from gaining the views of young people on policy in these areas. In view of this, Learning to Listen states that in all government departments: A visible commitment is made to involving children and young people, underpinned by appropriate resources to build a capacity to implement policies of participation. And that The contributions of Children and young people, proportionate to their age and maturity, are taken seriously and acted upon, and feedback from children and young people confirm this.' Giving children and young people an active say in policies ensures that they genuinely meet their needs After all it is the child who will have to live with the outcome of the procedure. The Children Act 1989 states that children's wishes and feelings should be incorporated into the decision-making concerning them. Legally based intervention Children's act 1989 is fully equipped with the legal laws and norms that strengthen the cause of Child welfare. These legal intervention are mostly carried out in assistance of Local authority Duty to Investigate -

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organizational stakeholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational stakeholders - Essay Example Home Depot being a company running on such a large scale has a great responsibility towards its stakeholders. Home Depots major stakeholders include its board of directors and shareholders/investors, the customers, employees and the suppliers. Bob Nardelli, the former chairman and chief executive of Home Depot contributed greatly towards the success and expansion of the organization. Nardelli was a true leader and followed an autocratic approach. However, along with the positive changes that Nardelli brought with him, he also made some mistakes that greatly affective various stakeholders of the company. Nardelli was considered to have an arrogant and authoritative approach which was a cause for alienation of many stakeholders. Nardellis attempt on cutting down labor costs by hiring more part-time workers as compared to full-time lead to the loss of good workforce. This also lowered the morale of the existing workers. Another one of his errors was the cut back of inventory budget which left the stores undersupplied and the customers dissatisfied. Nardellis attempt of increasing profit margin through demanding lower prices from suppliers led to the loss of significant vendors as they were not satisfied with the price offerings. Most importantly, Nardellis hefty pay was a great source of concern to shareholders and corporate governance groups and was prone to a lot criticism. Under the chairmanship of Nardelli, shareholders were not given the rights that they were entitled to and were not given an opportunity to speak up. This shareholders matter led to the arousal of Nardellis credib ility issues which made the investors lose trust in him and his management (Waters, 2007). This was one of the biggest set backs for him as the shareholders tend to hold immense influence on the organization. The present chairman and CEO of Home Depot is Frank Blake. Many

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Corporate Financial Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corporate Financial Accounting - Essay Example management would create a provision for restructuring without having any commitment. Besides this, management used to manipulate the auditors by combining in many little amounts of provisions, which, when gathered made up a huge amount. This helped them to skim their profits and gain tax advantages, etc. Except these two problems, provision accounting used methods where provision was created for one purpose and then used for another. All this led to poor disclosure and difficulty in assessing the effect of provisions on reported profits. Provisions were particularly created when profits were high and decreased or eliminated when profits were low in order to smooth the outcome. This was commonly done when an organisation acquired another business entity, the acquirer created increased number of provisions as a cost of merging the new business’s operations. When the provisions were released later, the profits reported would seem falsely inflated. Provision accounting was used to boost share price by disguising poor performance in a particular year by profit smoothing to create an impression that the profit are less volatile, this led to increased investing in a particular company. (Management Accountant Blog, 2007) To overcome such an issue, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) came up with International Accounting Standard (IAS 37). This standard’s main purpose was to prevent organisations from recognising excessive provisions by focusing on the Balance Sheet and applying proper definition and recognition criteria in the framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements. According to IAS 37 can only be recognised if it meets the criteria of a liability and a liability according to IAS 37 is â€Å"a present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Case - Essay Example Similarly, another female speaker from a falling company was given the chance to address the graduates. According to the author, this female speaker was given the opportunity just because the company she was working with was almost collapsing, which is a representation of women leadership (Kantor, par. 1-4). The entire graduation seemed like a comparison of the men and women achievements in the school as well as the working world. The author is trying to bring out the issue of women being labeled as failures both at school and at work. This is the reason she has given the example of the two women speakers at the graduation. From the entire story, the author has communicated the manner in which females are treated differently from their male counterparts. At one point, the reader is made to understand that the number of male students enrolling at the Harvard Business School is much higher than that of females. Also, the number of male professors is very high compared to that of female professors, a situation that would make some female lectures opt for a different environment. For instance, some of the school alumni such as Sheryl Sandberg would admit that the school was worse during their times. No one was allowed to talk about the things that take place within the school since everything was â€Å"dirty secret† (Kantor, par. 10-14). The issues that made a majority of the students as well as the alumnus to dislike the school were due to the differentiated treatment that was being given to the students. For instance, the school ranking was based on the level of student participation in class. How ever, the majority of the tutors being male would discriminate against the female students. This, on the other hand, would adversely affect the female students’ grades at the end of every semester and also at the end of their courses. The majority of the students, as well as

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Project management in creative industries Essay

Project management in creative industries - Essay Example The organization selected for analysis and evaluation belongs to an advertising industry. The Creative Advertising Agency London is a leading organization in the industry located in UK. For successful performance, the Creative Advertising Agency London needs effective project management system which consists of control activities and effective resource allocation in order to achieve overall objectives of the company. The Creative Advertising Agency has a centralized structure. Centralization leads to greater rigidity and more formalized central control. Specialization of task by units results in fragmentation and creates problems in communication and coordination. The greater the degree of specialization, the greater the tendency to concentrate on individual functions while losing sight of overall corporate objectives. Thus, in large advertising agencies conflicts may arise among product group, functional, and territorial managers, even though all are preoccupied with marketing. Despite protesting cries that marketing specialists are "organization men," organizations require routines, programs and procedures, and conformity. Among the factors taken into consideration in answering it are the product line, customers, and processors. Traditionally the Creative Advertising Agency has been hierarchical, with functional groupings based on authority and responsibility. Recently these structural arrange ments have changed. Marketing organizations now include more than sales. Moreover, technology, including computer usage, has led to organizations that have developed along horizontal lines (Burkun 32). Departmental structure helps advertising agencies to deal with complex environment and solve daily problems. Much advertising agencies thought dwell on such concepts as the centralization of business management (Surmanek 88). Customer orientation, in contrast, stresses consumer sovereignty, environmental forces, and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Zara as a fashion retailer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Zara as a fashion retailer - Essay Example Marketing of products and hence the proper management of marketing is an essential factor for every organization and requires extensive measures to be successful and satisfy its customers by fulfilling their demands. Thus the understanding of the marketing management of a company and its strategic options available are essential for the company’s success. The current study focuses on the marketing management and the strategic options available to the Zara fashion retailer and from the study determines the key marketing strategies that may be incorporated in the company’s objectives and marketing plans as well as apply the concepts of marketing in the company’s future success. Zara Company: Market, Consumer, and Competition: In the global world of competition, it is necessary for every organization to undertake measures to increase its competitive advantage over its competitors. Zara is a popular fashion retailer whose parent company is Inditex. In order to achiev e the competitive advantage over its competitors that include companies like Hennes and Mauritz (H&M), The Gap, Benetton, the company has plans to address the constraints encountered by its competitors such that they can overcome any obstacles. The core competencies of the company have provided the company with improved financial outcomes increasing its status over its competitors in the market. Such a phase has been possible for the company to achieve owing to the consumers of the company who have made it a success for the company. The consumers are highly satisfied with the company since Zara focuses extensively on responding quickly to the demands of the customers, increasing the speed of the flow of information in between the ultimate consumer and the company. Thus through the competitive advantages the Zara Company has made a position for itself in the industry and among the target market (Zara: Fashion Follower, Industry Leader, 2004). Mission and Objectives of the Company: Th e primary aim of the company is to create a sustainable development for the society in which they survive and contribute towards the welfare of the environment. Thus the main objectives of the company include saving of energy, manufacturing eco-friendly shops, produce less waste and perform recycling, maintaining commitment towards the company’s workforce and prepare and sustain a team that would remain aware of the environment. The above mentioned objectives of the company deal with the retail stores of the company. In regard to the products of the company, the company has set its objectives in use of ecological fabrics, cotton that is organic in nature and manufacture of footwear that is PVC-free in nature. In regard to transport facilities of the company, biodiesel is used by the company keeping focus on the welfare of the environment. Products based on animals that are available in the company are made available from animals raised in their farms and animals are not sacri ficed for the purpose (Our Mission Statement, 2010). Stakeholders of Zara Company: The employees, the customers, and the suppliers are the main stakeholders of the company. The Zara Company has its primary focus on the utmost level of satisfaction of its customers and hence the company takes all necessary measures to manufacture and design products based on the demands of the customers. This attracts more customers for the brand. The employees of the company are also addressed and their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

HRM - Summary post Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HRM - Summary post - Essay Example The L&D strategies need to be clear and must mention the learning outcomes whilst promoting the self-esteem of employees. Currently, my focus organization has an effective L&D strategy. Within their budget they have created opportunities of learning via classroom sessions, seminars and various job rotations so an employee fully understands and learns different aspects of his job and his role within the organization. As effective as it is, the mundane routine often leads the employees to be strayed. The continuous office routine incorporated with lengthy seminar and classroom session sometimes seem meaningless to the employees. Job rotations too are difficult to manage and incorporate. On the other hand learning from everyday activities or incidental learning must be incorporated in the strategy for a better training. Make the training fun so the employees wish to learn and excel. Providing incentives at the end of training session would optimize the employee’s performance. The employees must be sent on field for some practical knowledge and must be trained to implement these details when they return to the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

William Blakes poems Essay Example for Free

William Blakes poems Essay Much of William Blakes poems are cynical and even satirical of a society who thought themselves to be almost perfect. He wanted people to question what they had always done, and whether it was morally right. He did so by using varying techniques that set up clashes between ideologies and value systems. From the poem The Chimney Sweeper from the Songs of Innocence and the poem London from Songs of Experience; we see that employing poetic techniques to set up such clashes is relatively evident in his poetry. These clashes are due to changing ways of thinking which are also evident in Simon Langtons Pride and Prejudice. Jean Jacque Rousseau once said that man is born free and everywhere he is in chains, which refers to the way weve devised political systems for ourselves that dont allow us to be free. These chains are evident in the poem Chimney sweeper. Blake employs the persona of a small boy, Tom Dacre .This itself is a technique, using the boy as the persona elevates him as an individual. He is no longer a young chimney sweeper, he has a name, he has feelings, emotions, all things, which are mostly unrecognized by the landed elite. Merely by employing the persona of a young chimney sweeper, Blake has set up a clash between ideologies and value systems .Within Pride and Prejudice these chains came in the form of social obligation. These social obligations repress Darcy from showing emotion and tried to pre-destine his future. The theme of individuality is continued as he states Theres little Tom Dacre who cried when his head/That curled like a Lambs back was shavd. However, Blake is now focusing on Toms loss of Individuality. This loss of individuality is due to his social status in the community. The use of imagery and similes once again sets up a clash between the accepted use of children as chimney sweepers and the values that they lose their individuality as a result of it. In the poem London, Blake expresses his critique through the usage of a progression of symbols that spread out from the charterd street to encompass the whole city where the persona notices every face he encounters marks of weakness, marks of woe. The city is therefore represented as an alienating and constricting environment and everybody is marked by it. Society marks individuals due to their family background and connections which restricts the acceptance of Elizabeth Bennet by Lady Catherine De Bourgh who states but who is your mother, Lady De Bourgh reminds Elizabeth her mother was not born into a landed elite family and recommends Elizabeth not to quite the sphere in which she belongs Within the poem The Chimney Sweeper there is conflict regarding the Church of England. The chimney sweepers discussed in the poem are not aided by the church. The church can only stand by, inarticulate, faint and helpless while these suppressed children continue to carry out their inhumane tortures. The sweepers in a dream believe an angel would come by Who had a bright key/ and opened the coffins and set them all free. This is a sign from god, yet it is symbolic of the church itself. Through the use of symbolism, Blake has set up a clash between the common belief that the church is perfect and good in every way, to the value they do nothing for these poor people who believe so ardently in them. These changing attitudes towards the church are reflected within Darwins theory of evolution. Naturalist Charles Darwin went against the traditional way of looking at the creation of man. The traditional belief of god created man was challenged by what he calls the origin of species. Darwin believed in natural selection which meant that random variations occurred within species and allowed them to dominate over other species without this variation, which is ultimately meant survival of the fittest. It is clearly evident through the poems London and The Chimney Sweeper from the Songs of Experience and Innocence respectively, that Blakes poetry, and Simon Langtons Pride and Prejudice depict changing way of thinking in the late 18th century, as conflict between ideologies and values systems takes place. It is tradition that keeps societies, families and communities under control, but when these traditions are challenged, conflict with obviously increase and a new value systems and ideologies will be introduced into society.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The International Economic Slowdown Affect Cadbury Uk Marketing Essay

The International Economic Slowdown Affect Cadbury Uk Marketing Essay The history of Cadbury starts from a Grocers shop at Birmingham. In 1824 john Cadbury started this shop as a Quaker. His basic opposition to alcohol makes his focus to stimulation drinks like tea, coffee, cocoa and liquid chocolate. Later he moved to manufacturing chocolate and cocoa leaving his shop closed. In 1831 Cadbury got the royal warrant for supplying chocolate to Queen Victoria. On hunt of growth and quality which can be produced from a clean atmosphere, they moved to outskirts of Birmingham city and built the factory in a garden and named it as Bourneville, the brand released in 1879. In 1905 they lunched there iconic brand Dairy milk which still stand as leading brand and revenue generator for Cadbury. Early 1920s Cadbury starts overseas manufacturing in Tasmania. Cadbury focussed on the well being of work force. Late 70s Cadbury merged with Schweppes and added the tail name Cadbury Schweppes. Almost two century race of Cadbury bags more brands in candy and industry and th ey developed a firm brand name and emerged as a world leader in chocolate and candy market segment. On 2008 demerging process happened to separate the confectionary and drinks operations and they sold Schweppes to Dr Pepper group. The recent hostile atmosphere for acquisition of Cadbury leads to sale of Cadbury to US confectionary giant Kraft. Currently Cadbury and its all range of products are subsidiary of Kraft foods. Looking closer to the business operations of Cadbury, they operate in 60 countries in 45,000 employees supported by millions of customers. Cadbury owns different brands like Trident, Halls, heritage on their journey of acquisitions. The Methodology of the document is designed to answer the question for the report. The information collection is through internet sources and organisation websites. The recent Acquisition By Kraft foods makes some struggle to get the recent information. The unavailability of recent information and future strategies of Cadbury from Kraft foods leads to make a report based on information before acquisition on February 2010. Mission and vision of Cadbury The governing objective of Cadburys based on a statement To deliver superior shareowner returns. The higher end priority shows to capability, growth and efficiency. The focus of organisation process delivered to higher end global and regional brands. The investment in developing new brands and attaining owner ship of established products are on the vein. The relentless focus on cost and efficiency with the distinct interest to reconfiguring the distribution and manufacturing is shown up in their operations. The capability to give guarantee to investors and customers are highly projected in organisation objective. Cadbury strengthened them self to a pure-play confectionary business. Cadburys business operations are value oriented which focus on performance, quality, respect, integrity, responsibility. The basic business principles of Cadbury and their code of ethics conduct considerate on local and global legal and cultural standards. They are highly considerate about the demographic atmosphere of each country where they are operating on. Cadburys leadership imperative s is aggressive aiming competitive domination over competitors and they are highly passionate to be the best. Leadership imperatives focuses on growing their human resources, accountability, living their values , adaptability, forward thinking, motivating and collaborative atmosphere is established to put up the growth of business. The research and development of Cadbury focuses with innovation through customer insights, trends and foresights. The feedback from millions of customers is reviewed as a input for future innovations. They always realise the commonalties across different operating markets. In innovation they follow science centred operations. For example centre- filled gum makes sensation over 80 markets around world. The attitude of doubling the development with concentration on science and technology and concentrating on developing a smaller number of innovations that have big impact on paying-off in business world. The adaptation of brand new communication techniques in frontline Medias makes more interaction to consumers with their loved brands. The integration of putting all together in new formats, new recipe utilising new technology are followed in growth. The innovative communication campaigns are conducted to arrange sponsorship and marketing programs. Cadbury vision statement is Our vision is to be the biggest and the best confectionery company in the world Strategic position of Cadbury Cadbury is a world leader in confectionary among companies operating in peer market. Average international 10 % market share is maintaining in overall operation countries. The 200 year old heritage of Cadbury with outstanding brand portfolio supports the business. The clear strategy makes Cadbury a firm position in emerging and broadly spread markets. Cadbury committed on its vision who the biggest and best company be doing confectionary business. Overall global revenue hits  £5.4bn with an operating profit of  £638 m from overall 60 countries. Cadbury shows up average growth of 12 % in last 5 years and attain 11% market share in emerging markets. The overall growth percentage ranges on 7% in revenue, 11.9 % in operating margin and 6 % in dividend growth. On a strategic highlight business transforms into a category led pure play confectionary company. Cadbury manages the uncertainty in economic global outlook in a serious manner. The issue regarding the cocoa prices and the concentration of competitor challenges are forecasted well. The business model framed by Cadbury got a global footprint, with powerful and respected brands. The passionate and talented management makes a silence in history on ongoing economic downturns. Cadbury management shows the commitment on making further progress based on vision and mission for increased revenue and growth. The corporate responsibility and integral areas of Cadbury is managed with sustainable business practices. The commitments on sustainability are integrated in the vision ad converting them into action of operations. The corporate mantra of Cadbury fulfils the combined phrase fewer, faster, bigger, better which is applied to the customer service relationship operations. Leading edge programs like Cadbury World which makes customer a visit and feel of Cadbury production along with the Cadbury cocoa partners makes the organization responsible and consumption initiative. Cadbury investing in advantaged brands. Cadbury makes more operational profit from owned brands than from confectionary products. There portfolio products like Dairy milk, Trident, Halls, flake in addition to confectionary in markets like Green and Blacks, The natural confectionary ,crà ¨me eggs, Clorets and Bubbaloo. The competitive advantage of Cadbury across three confectionary categories of chocolates, gums and cand y makes them a globally strong organisation. The Cadbury operations are widely spread over to 60 countries and the business units are divided as Britain and Ireland North America South America Europe Pacific Asia Middle East and Africa. Cadbury got a major strength in Europe and American markets and they got significant strength in Asian and African markets as well. Cadburys position in emerging markets are represented though the diagram below. Fig1: Position in emerging Markets( Source : Euromonitor) Cadbury12% Mars-Wrigley Nestle Kraft Cadbury s PESTEL Porters five forces model puts up apower ful evaluation of competivie organisations forces for an organisation in Industry in general. It is delvelopes bu Michael porter in 1979. The five forces under sonsideration in this model is The existing competition in the industry The threat from potential new entrants The advantage/ threat on power of suppliers The advantage/ threat from power of customers. Threat of substitute products similar to own product PESTEL.jpg In this context cadburys PESTEL analysis is revieved here on the basis of UK home market. The political, economical , social, technological, environmental and legal issues regarding Cadbury plc in UK is mentioned below. Political The change of governing party form labour to conservatives in coalition with Liberal democrats may affect Cadbury in either positive or negative way. The high end restrictions on skilled workers entry from external Europe and imposing of taxes will affect future investment scenario and share holder dividend payments. From October 2010 the increase in VAT from 17.5 to 20 % affect the prices of Cadbury products as well. The purchasing interest of customers are de-motivated though this higher tax decisions. May the effect of tax increase make the government to revise the taxation in next financial quarter? Legal Legal actions can also make significant changes in Cadburys operation. The recent acquisition to Kraft foods makes big hassle with stake holders and a higher refusal from government sector. Cadbury, one of the prestigious chocolate brands is slipped from British Ownerships. The legal notices for employee working hours are another issue which delimits the working hours and extra performance of skilled employees. The legal actions to cut short factory hours may affect Cadbury in a adverse manner. Another legal issue is concerning with the healthcare of customers and peoples using chocolate products in common. The obesity problems and subsequent fewer are mostly reported to National health service ( NHS). Most heart problems caused due to usage of cocoa products are discussed in legal scenario as well. If there any legal regulation for usage of contents inchocalate is imposed , it may affect Cadbury in an inverse manner. Economic The international economic slowdown affect Cadbury UK business operation and international operations as well. The cost cutting nature of customers and limited expenditure budget affect Cadbury sales to down flow. The regulation in interest rates may affect the expansion projects of Cadbury. the short of disposable income in customers and stake holders make them stand back on purchasing more sweet product s or rather investing in Cadbury. The Acquisition of Cadbury to Kraft food makes a good value to share holders, mean while the dependency of organisation to economic circumstance may decide the future value of Cadbury shares. The national minimum wage will be also dependent to economic situation affecting Cadbury, if it is brought down, the operational cost may come down in employee payments , but it will affect inversely in sales figures. Social Issues The social trend to crisp industry and snacking is increasing. Based on the study from recent years, UK population mostly prone to snacks and crisps rather than chocolates , candy and gums. This drastic change affects Cadbury in sales figures. The introduction od Cadbury world makes a great experience to visitors and exploring the Cadbury manufacturing process. The lip to lip advertisement is mostly focussed on Cadbury world programme. Direct and indirect advantages will be earned to local community around the Cadbury world locality. The customer consciousness about health and contents used in products may affect sales figure. This may make Positive or negative impact on Cadbury business segment. The public releases and bans on ingredients used in Cadburys in addition to advice from dieticians are more threat to sales. Technological Issues The technological issues make more sense in development of Cadbury in research and development section. The implementation of new brew machines to blend coffee and cocoa gains vital importance in future growth of Cadbury. The cost of machinery, maintance of new machinery and implementation of new technology in production streams makes overhead expenses to Cadbury future plans. The takeover by Kraft food may intervene more technological advance in production line. The cost cutting measure and implementation of Lean system in production line with Kaizen model is planned to reduce the production cost. Cadburys Swot SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used by organisation to anlyse there strengths, weakness, threats and opputunities. SWOT analysis may be incorporated with strategic planning model of organisation. It makes a realisation of Strengths: Attribute supporting to attain the objectives of organisation Weakness: Points which are harmful to attain objectives of organisation Threats: External attributes which may affect to damage organisations existence and operations. Oppurtunities: : External trends and conditions which may help to make a better fortune of organisation swot_img2.gif Cadburys SWOT analysis shows its strategic planning positions in market Strengths Cadburys strong leadership position in confectionary business is the main strength of organisation. It has 9.2 % share in international confectionary market, which is driven by strong positions in regional markets. An International competitor Mars have only market share of 9% in confectionary goods. Cadbury have a slide number two position in market with leading 23 positions including chocolate and gum. The strong experience gained through 200 years of manufacturing and the brand name added with strong brands like Dairy milk, Bourneville and flake re great strength to Cadbury. Highly strengthen innovative teams are another strength of Cadbury. The unique analysis of customer requirements which is totally focussed on chocolate, candy and chewing gum makes domination in these segments. The successful growth of Cadbury through acquisition of great brands enables Cadbury to expand its market presence to wider commodities and regional markets. Weakness The higher level of dependency to confectionary goods and the diversified operations through acquired brands make the key point on Cadburys weakness. The international experience short in certain regions compared to other competitors like nestle makes a weakness. The lack of domination in business regions except Europe and America makes another area of weakness. The misunderstanding in emerging markets lead to wrong market strategies . the misconceptions made by other brands regarding Cadbury also affecting its sales and marketing operation in some regional markets. Opportunities The opportunities leading to expand Cadburys business operation make the key. The finding of market presence in new markets and increase of market share in emerging markets like, china, India, Brazil are key opportunities. These countries higher population can be utilised to increase the market share. The emerging markets are focusing on consumer wealth and the increasing demand of confectionary goods can be utilised. The scope of merger operations in emerging markets with the existing confectionery manufactures may deliver more advantage to Cadburys. Adequate evaluation of markets and targeted acquisitions may help to increase the market share of organisation. Another range of opportunity resides with the manufacturing cost and distribution. The increased efficiency may deliver effective product supply and manufacturing system. Cadburys effort to increase the cost efficiency is fuelled by technological support and implementation of advanced technology. The shift of production units to low cost economies is another scope which can reduce production cost. The shift of production to countries cultivating cocoa, chocolate and coffee may reduce logistics cost of Cadbury. Reduction of internal costs in supply chain management, procurement, and outsourcing to appropriate business partners make a wise opportunity to Cadbury. The opportunity reside in the innovation is another key which making of new products according to user demands. Products which are healthier and should deliver lower calories may hit the market. Sugar free products market is also too wide to operate and innovate. The lower fat, sugars free which are organic and natural product s in confectionery makes a strong demand in market. The takeover of Cadbury by Kraft foods lead to utilise more business techniques and market options in future for Cadbury products. Threats The increased demand of worldwide greenery maintenance and value to environment is a challenging factor for Cadbury and its manufacturing units. The new manufacturing standards in business regions may impose more input to production and there by investments led to reduced operational margin. The environment care in energy usage, transportation, sugar and coffee along with packaging materials make a challenging posture in financial figure and technology hiring. The shift to new systems may pull back exiting techniques and methods which should be replaced with new systems and machineries. The shift of supply chain to low cost economies make hassle sin existing manufacturing regions and even may face ban to Cadbury products. The threats from competitors and other regional brands makes Cadbury operations more competitive. Aggressive promotion events from competitors and price wars are highly affected for Cadbury products in certain emerging markets. Increased health consciousness in deve loping economies will affect Cadbury in health problems like obesity, diabetic fevers. The misconceptions and advertisement from health organisation may reduce the market demand of Cadbury products in these markets. Demand for more nutritious and healthier food may demand substitute products from Cadbury or it may be taken by some competitor in future. Here also threats are getting g along with Kraft foods. the bad will of any of the Kraft products may inversely affect Cadbury products as well . The acceptance level of Kraft in certain regions will affect eh marketing operations of Cadbury products. Risk Management of Cadbury Cadburys risk management process identifying risk is set by the management board. The day by day operations are monitored by compliance committee which is chaired by CEO and CLO. The operational and strategic risks are identifies through this operations. The audit team of organisation make an independent reassurance for standard risk assessment. Risk evolved in short term period is evaluated by this group, which is generated from small business units. The external risks which are from competition with global, regional and local players are sorted with competitive strategies based on price and profits. The consolidation inside industry makes a gain to competitors, so preferred supplier status is reviewed on product basis and superior industry. The risk associated with market volatility and economic conditions are also reviewed. This risk may effect through poor predictability and negative impact of profit generation. Appropriate hedging methods will be used to avoid these risks and fi nd ways to diligent about efficiency and costs. Internal risks, strategic risks and environment control is managed with care. IS/IT STRATEGY For an individual to complete his duties and also perform his job in a proper way he needs to be trained properly and also needs the skills and attributes required for that particular job. Training helps a lot in getting the skills right and also helps in learning more that that what is given in the books. It helps in honing some specific skills required. Cadbury is working very hard in imparting the required training and the knowledge required to the particular individual and also keeps him updated with the latest technology in order to win orders in the future and also to make competitive products. The training which is provided should be systematic in a way that it does not hamper the day to day operations of the organisation. The procedure might be divided in steps as follows Analysis of work place requirements Analysis of t training essential training type required for employees Usage of experienced employed in manufacturing line and their contribution in training Adequate framing and implementation of training process. Monitoring the training process to get into better production level. The solutions company which is providing the external consultancy to the company is also ensuring that the proper training programs are given to the company individuals and the staff so that they can act with high productivity and also with less failure. It is also checking that the communication level in the company is also at a highest level so that the information flow is not affected. The goal of the training and the education that was being provided ensures that the managers and also the top management are properly educated. . The on the job training provided to the workers and the staff the system has committed in the technology and the management in the field. This technology and the management of change that is provided by the solutions company has helped Cadbury in reaching the goals and objectives set by the organisation. Cadburys Business Strategy in change management Category Simplicity The focus on category simplicity and scale to help revenue growth is managed under the structure of managing each confectionary category on international basis. Cadbury focus on resources in generous markets on each confectionary product which innovative products are introduced first. The strategy is chosen on changing innovation methods from smaller advantage innovations to larger advantage innovations which can deliver a competitive advantage. For this kind of innovations increased resources are applied to attain the result. The focus on consumer preference and products which consumers more like will be put as drive advantage products. These products will increase trade volume on key markets. Rationalisation will be taken for smaller products with less than 5 % market share in individual markets. This rationalisation process were implemented in a preferred time plan. The growth of focus brands mainly will be accounted to 50 % confectionary revenue. The strongest potential brands like Dairy milk, Trident, Halls may five more focus in marketing level. The rest of the main brands crà ¨me egg, Hollywood, Dentyne, Clorets are promoted widely in Emerging markets. The focuses on markets are also considered per scale of growth. Major market share countries like US, UK, Mexico, Japan, Turkey and France will be accelerated with gum products and increase the market strength. Elaboration opportunities in remaining countries like South Africa and Australia are clustered around regional offices to lead markets into affinity markets. The re-launching of Wispa with wispa Gold along with old brand is planned. The production unit at Bourneville will manufacture this new product suffixing less market share products. New variants of Tridents gums are planned to release in upcoming year , innovation activities are almost finished for these products . Release formalities are on the vein. The opportunity through National confectionary .co to enter small variety foods will be utilised. These small variety goods will help to strengthen new categories of confectionary goods. The market domination in three confectionary categories is revived along with pull out strategy for low market share less profit brands. The market potential will be individually realised and put up new products which were not yet released to those markets. Customer partnership programs Customer partnership programs are planned to solve confectionary marketing issues. Through the seven leading business units and three trade channels Cadbury planned to make unique place in customer service to pull up market position. The top retailers are motivated for pumping market oriented products in subsidiary markets. These markets already got strong confectionary positions for Cadbury. Expanding the platforms to strengthen the partnership and enhancing acquisition operations are planned. The investigation process for finding new market positions and confectionary opportunities are developed. As a initial step integration process is going on with acquired companies in Turkey. Mean time integration of newly acquired organisations in regional markets will be linked to major business units. Cadburys efficiency is encapsulated to improve ambitious targets and thereby increase operating margins. The age market is another segment of innovation with customer partnerships, which range from teens to old peoples. New products for these range of customers will be introduced in coming future. Cost management and change The realisation of customer investment makes lot of changes in our strategic view on input costs. Customer investment s are managed in well manner to increases input costs and thereby improving the profit of the organisation. The cost reduction process is handling in all departments like supply and general administration. By combining the group operations with the home management of UK Cadburys , they expect a reduction of cost in upcoming years. The cluster programme to combine the individual operation of different countries linking to major business units are under vein. The enhancement of leveraging and capabilities in Europe is under reorganisation process. The centralised option for decision making will be adapted based on countries and elabororate brand management. The closure programs of manufacturing units as a part of cost reduction will undergo in coming years. The manufacturing units of acquired organisations are mostly come under this section. The aim of improving the operating margin performance is the key in upcoming markets like Nigeria, china and Russia. The focus on strengthening resources availability to Britain and Ireland is inevitably changed in coming years. New IT system implementation will be implemented by the end of 2010. Category led Business Focussing the operations on profitable opportunities than less profit events. The justification and effective usage of scrace resources are managed in well manner. Improving the working capital of business operation is another area of change. The product rationalisation programmed will be managed with committee to get it for appropriate diminishing products. Change can be basically defined as the simplified, organised and systematic application of knowledge, tools and resources that helps the organisations with key ideas and processes to achieve their basic business strategy. If the things that are going on in the company are made to go ahead then there will be no future developments in the company and the organisation after a certain stage will definitely fail. The management of change is not an easy process and needs to be properly supervised. Managing the change effectively will help in a proper control and also accelerate the change in a proper way and help in the future achievements. There are many studies that study the other aspect of the management and that are the human side of the subject. People do not accept change in a positive way and it is more seen when it is when related to the culture and the tradition of the people. In case of Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited (NMUK) they should be evaluating the risks that should be covering the current situation in order that a successful change management process is amplified. Figure Change Management Model Identify the Change Prepare to Change Sponsor Target Change Agent Culture History Resistance Current Desired Implement the Change Monitor the Change Delta Plan the Change Communication As per the study of Cole (1997) it can be said that in any particular organisation at a given point of time there will be a number of factors that will act as a driving force and others will be acting as a restraining force. The force field model is as summarised as below These days there has been a clear showdown in the production and the improvement and also development in all areas of the manufacturing. It is more than evident in the field of automobiles where the recession has played a major role and also it has affected a lot in these circumstances. The use of the solutions given by the company has helped a lot in the reduction of the cost of production and has been able to generate some ample revenue for the company. The change in the organisation has to be kept in mind the different processes of change and also the different modern technology that will help in the success and growth of the company. The effectiveness and the efficiency of the system for which the company has been employed will help them in each and every situation and also help in the reducing of the mistakes and reduction of the defects of the company. It also helps them with the solutions and the full documentation of the provision of the access for the conservation and the stability of the information to include the best practices in the organisation. The system will help the customers access to the most important data that they require and that too in a very period of time which will help in the reduction of the costs and help in the reduction of the expensive change in the engineering processes. The most important steps which will help in the control of the change management process and also to implement it without undergoing any other failures which will hamper the progress of the successful implementation of the system are The managers and the in charge personnel of the department should be clarified in the idea of the change management and should be cleared in their minds about the change in the process that is being going on. The staff should be given the detailed explanation of why such a change is going on and also be told about the advantages of it. The development of the future plan will help in the implementation of the system without any disruption. The preparations for the implementation of the plan will help in the process with the presence of the experts and the specialists that were available for this. RECOMMENDATIONS Taking into consideration the above analysis it can be said that in order to bring about a proper change management in the organisation it is required that the leadership should be proper and there should be a proper systematic flow of information from one point to another. Also there should not be any negative leaders which hamper the progress and instead there should be positive leaders which will help in the positive growth of the organisation. There needs to be more focus and attention should be given on the minute detail that is in the overall change management process. The selection of leaders in such an organisation will play a vital role in the overall process which will ensure the implementation of the change management process. Knowledge management will play a major role in the exchange of knowledge from the staff to the other workers and this will be taken care by the Training solutions network and solutions provider. The support of the senior management and the training provided in such a case is also very important and will lead to a better understanding between the other team members. Above all cadburys should be focussing on the following points that are mentioned below to tackle future changes and also the overall change mana

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bio Warfare Essay -- essays research papers

Biological warfare is war waged with deadly chemicals, biological agents, or radioactive materials (CBR). They can be used to kill large amounts of people, destroy food, or just temporarily stun them for a matter of time so troops can come in and torture them or do whatever troops led by an manipulative tyrant who destroys everything. Using CBR, allowed you to kill everything and leave the buildings standing instead of nuclear weapons which destroy everything, put fallout in the air, and have radioactive materials wash into the ground and streams. Using deadly chemicals in war has been going on since the early 1900’s during World War I (1914-1918). Chemicals such as tear gas, chlorine gas, phosgene, and mustard gas. The first 3 are things that irritate the lungs, and mustard gas cause burns. After experimenting with these chemicals, they tried flame throwers but they were ineffective because of their short range. But that later led to napalm. Napalms kind of like gas only lon ger burning, more thick and it’s stickier and this is a deadly combination. All of this stuff led to the wide use of fire for World War II (1939-1945). By the end of W.W.I, European powers have integrated gas warfare capabilities into their armies artillery. During W.W.II, Germany was working on many different things. Such as nerve gases, the atomic bomb, and Adolf Hitler had scientists work on something to increase longevity. At the end of W.W.II every country knew about the advantages of deadly gases than conventional shoot outs and destructive bombs. Gases such as tear gas have been used in limited wars since W.W.II, such as in the Vietnam War; tear gas is also employed by civilian police forces to stop riots. The more deadly gases such as mustard gas and nerve gas has generally been condemned by most countries. Such weapons do remain in some arsenals, but treaties have gotten rid of them. There is evidence that Iraq used these weapons in the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s and that allied troops may have been exposed to these gases during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. Various chemicals, such as Agent Orange, that alter the metabolism of plant and cause them to die have been employed in modern jungle warfare to reduce the enemy’s cover and let troops march in without the fear of being ambushed. Later it was found that Agent Orange harmed everything that was near it. It killed plants, went... ...n the skin by those who handle infected hides and carcasses and may be self-limiting, but often gets into the bloodstream, with fever and exhaustion. It is characterized by malignant pustules on exposed skin areas. The inside type is acquired by inhaling anthrax cells, as from animal hair and wool, which take over the lungs and sometimes the intestinal tract to cause lose blood. It is speculated that an intestinal variety may be caused by consuming contaminated meat or milk. Workers exposed to animal products, especially wool, are protected by vaccination. Penicillin is effective in treatment except in rapidly progressing cases. The worst outbreak of anthrax occurred in 1979, when a biological weapons plant in Sverdlovsk, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (present-day Yekaterinburg) released an aerosol form of the anthrax pathogen. The source of this exposure, which killed 66 people, was publicly denied until 1994. In conclusion, biological weaponry are very deadly and can kill 100’s of millions of people without them knowing what’s going on. At least it doesn’t destroy buildings. So when we drop the big one, later intelligent species can dig up entire buildings and dead bodies.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

DaVinci code Essay -- essays research papers

The Da Vinci Code By Dan Brown   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my book report I read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code has one main character and many supporting characters. The main character is Robert Langdon, a Harvard symbologist and professor. He is a tall American with coarse black hair and blue eyes. He is very intellectual and very modest. He is a quick thinker under pressure and doesn?t give up easily. He is careful with his words.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most important supporting character is Sophie Neveu. She is a cryptologist the and granddaughter of Jacques Sauniere, the murder victim. She has blond hair and green eyes and is French. She is very independent and commanding. She is also very intellectual, fluent in two languages, and good at breaking codes. She is a very determined person and does not give up with out a fight. She is also very quick witted. She is a very good liar, very convincing. She likes to take matters into her own hands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second most important supporting character is Leigh Teabing. Sir Leigh Teabing is a avid researcher of the Holy Grail. He has bushy red hair and hazel eyes. Both his legs are in metal braces. Leigh is a sly Englishman, who is obsessed with discovering the hiding place of the Grail. He is a very good actor and loves to exaggerate. He is never at a loss for words.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another main supporting charater is Bezu Fanche. He is the officer who is leading the search for the murderer and suspectcs that it is Langdon. Fanche is a large cold man who is desperrate to find this culprit. He grealt needs this case to be solved because his reputation is on the line here. He made a few too many mistakes and needs to restore his reputataion or he risk losing his job.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I also believe that another imortant supporting character is Jaucques Sauniere. He is murdered in the first chapter, however throughout the book Jaucques Sauniere affects the story line dramatically. Jaucques Sauniere is man who really believes that you need to work for what you get and nothing should come easily to you. He is an amazing code specialist and when he hides something it will stay hidden unless he wants you to find it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Da Vinci Code is about the journey Robert and Sophie take to find the Holy Grail. It begins in the Louvre Museum of Art where Jaucques Sauniere who was a curator in the Louvre. He was also the master of a secret organiza... ... to smash the box because inside lies a small glass vile containing vinegar which will dissolve the parchment on which the message is written. Once Langdon, Shopie, and Teabing open the first cryptex another lies inside.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He also never lets the story slow down or stop moving. There is always an unexpected twist which will astound you yet make perfect sense. Such as Teabing betrayal. It was totally unexpected yet it fit Teabings personality perfectly. He always wishes to have the upper hand. Another unexpected twist was that the Grail really wasn?t hidden in Great Britain in the Rosslyn which all the clues seemed to lead. Another unexpected twist was that both Opus Dei and the Priory of Sion both wished to keep the contents of the Grail hidden.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dan brown is also good at gathering real information and joining it together to make a story that seems possible. His story is based on facts which he has distorted to make fit to what he wishes to achieve. You can never tell what is coming next or what the outcome of an action will. He constantly keeps you guessing and I enjoy that. I give this book two thumbs up. The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown, DoubleDay publishing 2003.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   DaVinci code Essay -- essays research papers The Da Vinci Code By Dan Brown   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my book report I read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code has one main character and many supporting characters. The main character is Robert Langdon, a Harvard symbologist and professor. He is a tall American with coarse black hair and blue eyes. He is very intellectual and very modest. He is a quick thinker under pressure and doesn?t give up easily. He is careful with his words.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most important supporting character is Sophie Neveu. She is a cryptologist the and granddaughter of Jacques Sauniere, the murder victim. She has blond hair and green eyes and is French. She is very independent and commanding. She is also very intellectual, fluent in two languages, and good at breaking codes. She is a very determined person and does not give up with out a fight. She is also very quick witted. She is a very good liar, very convincing. She likes to take matters into her own hands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second most important supporting character is Leigh Teabing. Sir Leigh Teabing is a avid researcher of the Holy Grail. He has bushy red hair and hazel eyes. Both his legs are in metal braces. Leigh is a sly Englishman, who is obsessed with discovering the hiding place of the Grail. He is a very good actor and loves to exaggerate. He is never at a loss for words.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another main supporting charater is Bezu Fanche. He is the officer who is leading the search for the murderer and suspectcs that it is Langdon. Fanche is a large cold man who is desperrate to find this culprit. He grealt needs this case to be solved because his reputation is on the line here. He made a few too many mistakes and needs to restore his reputataion or he risk losing his job.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I also believe that another imortant supporting character is Jaucques Sauniere. He is murdered in the first chapter, however throughout the book Jaucques Sauniere affects the story line dramatically. Jaucques Sauniere is man who really believes that you need to work for what you get and nothing should come easily to you. He is an amazing code specialist and when he hides something it will stay hidden unless he wants you to find it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Da Vinci Code is about the journey Robert and Sophie take to find the Holy Grail. It begins in the Louvre Museum of Art where Jaucques Sauniere who was a curator in the Louvre. He was also the master of a secret organiza... ... to smash the box because inside lies a small glass vile containing vinegar which will dissolve the parchment on which the message is written. Once Langdon, Shopie, and Teabing open the first cryptex another lies inside.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He also never lets the story slow down or stop moving. There is always an unexpected twist which will astound you yet make perfect sense. Such as Teabing betrayal. It was totally unexpected yet it fit Teabings personality perfectly. He always wishes to have the upper hand. Another unexpected twist was that the Grail really wasn?t hidden in Great Britain in the Rosslyn which all the clues seemed to lead. Another unexpected twist was that both Opus Dei and the Priory of Sion both wished to keep the contents of the Grail hidden.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dan brown is also good at gathering real information and joining it together to make a story that seems possible. His story is based on facts which he has distorted to make fit to what he wishes to achieve. You can never tell what is coming next or what the outcome of an action will. He constantly keeps you guessing and I enjoy that. I give this book two thumbs up. The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown, DoubleDay publishing 2003.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Many Benefits of Hybrid Cars Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research

The Many Advantages of Hybrid Cars Picture yourself driving on the freeway. You are cruising along at about sixty-five miles per hour in your late model SUV. This is a typical morning for you until an electronic beep from within your dash catches your attention. When you look at your gauges, you see the low fuel light shining bright and orange. As you think to yourself, "I just filled this thing up a week ago," you glance up to see salvation in the form of a road sign: "Gas, next exit." "Thank you," you say, looking up. When you turn, however, you realize a new problem. The premium grade fuel with which you usually fill your tank is almost $2.00 per gallon. That means it would cost you $40.00 just to get through another week of commuting. We have all been in this, or a similar situation, especially with gas prices where they are and where they are expected to reach. There is now an answer to this problem of bad gas mileage, and also to the disgusting amount of toxins new cars are still pouring into the atmosphere. This answer is hybrid cars. Hybrid cars are an up-and-coming form of vehicle that mixes gasoline and electric motors to produce a high gas mileage/low emission vehicle. There are different ways in which the two types of power sources found on hybrid vehicles. There is one, called a parallel hybrid, that has a fuel tank to supply the gasoline engine, and a set of batteries to supply the power to the electric motor. The electric motor and gasoline engine both turn the transmission at the same time. The transmission, in turn, moves the wheels (Nice). Another type, the series hybrid, uses the gasoline engine to turn an electric generator. The generator then either powers the electric motor, which turns the t... ... at about sixty-five miles per hour. The large SUV in the next lane turns off towards a gas station. You look down at your gauge, thinking to yourself, "I probably filled up before him, and I still have a half of a tank. Now I remember why I bought this thing." Works Cited Hybrid Electric Vehicle Program. DOE. March 26, 2004. "Hyper-Mileage Hybrids: 2002 Toyota Prius vs. 2003 Honda Civic: Science fair exhibits or real cars?" Motor Trend. August 2002: Pages 69-74 Mileage. March 25, 2004. Nice, Karim. How Hybrid Cars Work. Howstuffworks. March 25, 2004. Oil Dependency. March 25, 2004. The Cars. March 25, 2004.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Employment Labor and Anti-Discrimination Law Essay

You are an employee at a nice paper mill and want to impress the boss by burning the midnight oil (cut not too close to the wood pulp). For four consecutive weeks, you work forty-five, forty-two, thirty-nine, and thirty-one hours. If you are a nonexempt employee covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, how many hours of overtime pay, if any, would you be entitled to? What would be the rate? Fair Labor Standards Act Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 is concerned with child labor, maximum hours, minimum wages, and overtime provisions. Overtime An employee who works more than forty hours over week must be paid 1.5 times his or her regular pay rate for all hours over forty. Employers whose jobs are categorized as executive, administration, or professional, as well as outside salespersons and computer employees, are exempt. Employees who are not exempt include manual laborers and other blue-collar workers who perform tasks involving repetitive operation with their hands (non-management production line employees, for example). Other non-exempt employees include police officers, firefighters, licensed nurses and other public safety workers. Employers can pay overtime to exempt employers if they want to, but they cannot otherwise waive or reduce the overtime requirements. The employee will be paid overtime for the weeks he or she worked the forty-five, forty-two, but not the thirty-nine or the thirty-one hour week.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Acting White Essay

Bill Cosby puts all African Americans in the category of ignorant and ghetto, living in the lower class. In the text he often attacks single mothers with no father in the household. Also, he attacks innocent children with bad parenting. I believe Cosby makes such statements because most of them are true. Even though I am a part of the minority or lower class I strongly agree and disagree with Cosby’s remarks. That’s because it is a high percentage of black households that are ignorant like Cosby is saying, but all are not financially able. Cosby reflects on lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. His meaning is lower class people are not parenting. This argument is true and false, some lower class parents are whether it taking working 2 or 3 jobs or leaving there children with a babysitter to provide for their family. Some parents aren’t even trying leaving their children in the homes with no food or clothing. Cosby state’s where the fathers in our heritage are and I agree with his statement because African American has percentages of fathers not in their children’s lives. Most fathers don’t even have the chance either being incarcerated or mothers not having any type of relationship with them because the lacks of financial help with the children. In my hometown of Akron, I see examples of this problem everyday, signs posted with fathers name and how much owed back on child support. People putting their clothes on backward: Isn’t that a sign of something gone wrong? Hats worn on backwards, pants down around the crack isn’t that a sign of something? Cosby makes impairment statements in his text. I agree it is something wrong with it but the African American society accepts it. Also, we see it on television in rappers, singers, actors and athletes so it isn’t acceptable to change. Like a cold this is the most common symptom in the black community. I see young toddlers all the way to grown men with their pants below their crack everyday in my hometown as well as other cities. I even see it in places it shouldn’t be seen at public and private universities. At my University, central state, I see this problem is all over the United States and change hasn’t yet been implemented. Bill Cosby states we have millionaire professional athletes such as football and basketball players who can’t read or write two paragraphs. I don’t agree with this statement, I am a student athlete and I can read and write paragraphs I’m pretty sure it’s more athletes with reading and writing skills. Also states most African Americans have names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammad, this is true we as a people have made our names acceptable to society, so employers will take us more serious. Cosby makes a critical statement in the text â€Å"The idea is to one day get out of the projects. You don’t just stay there. † This statement is why I agree mostly with him. Most African Americans are living just to get by and not striving for excellence or even at least a Middle class lifestyle and it has been this way for decades. Last, the statement I agree with the most was â€Å"we cannot blame white people†. This statement is so true; African Americans tend to blame white people for their faults. I feel that we can’t blame people anymore because we have the same freedom and rights as them we live in a country where all are treated equal. In my hometown kids shoplifted in the malls and parents are called because their child is in the juvenile delinquency home. The parents often raging at the police, as Cosby says why your child is stealing for anyway, we can’t be so quick to blame whites responsibility has to be on oneself or bad parenting. I agree 100% with Cosby’s remarks because most of them were true. For African American people to disagree with such statements, we have to live up to higher standards and quit settling for less.

Conflicts by Pyong Gap Min

The book Changes and Conflicts by Pyong Gap Min gives us an analysis on how and why Korean migration to the United States has altered their traditional family system. Allyn and Bacon published the book in 1998. The book focuses on changes in gender roles and marital relations. Also Korean child socialization, adjustments of the elderly, and the nature of transnational families and kin ties are topics Min discusses in the book. Min uses results of several surveys as well as his own ethnographic research to back his claims. Min used his own personal family experiences, his observations of other Korean families, informal discussion with Korean school teachers and social workers, and Korean newspaper articles for insight on Korean immigrant families. He also interviewed 50 Koreans in N. Y. representing a broad range of Korean people. Finally, Min used census and survey data, including his own surveys of Koreans in New York, to provide statistical information about Korean immigrant families. Min starts his analysis of Korean immigrant family by providing some background information on the Korean community in N. Y. Min explains that recent Korean immigrants can be characterized as being highly educated, urbanized, and predominately Christian. Korean immigrants began to settle in New York after 1965. One reason is the need for medical professionals during the 1960s in the New York and New Jersey area. The demand for medical professionals attracted many Korean professionals to the area. These professionals later on became naturalized and were able to invite their relatives for permanent residence. A characteristic o f the contemporary Korean community living in N. Y. are their concentration in small business. Min explains that the vast majority of the Korean work force is segregated in the Korean sub-economy, either as business owners or as employees of co-ethnic businesses. Some Korean businesses include green groceries, trade business dealing, import business, dry-cleaning service, and nail salons. Min states that the segregation of Korean immigrants in the work place promotes the preservation of their Korean cultural traditions and social interactions with co-ethnic. Min then proceeds to examine the role Confucianism plays on the Korean family system. Min claims that Confucian values that emphasizes filial piety, family/kin ties, the patriarchal family order, and children†s education still have a powerful effect on the behavior and attitudes of all Koreans. For example, Korean government, school, and community encourage people to practice filial piety by rewarding those who are exceptional in showing loyalty, respect, and devotion to their parents and by punishing those who deviate far from the norm. Also the concept of patriarchy has helped establish a male dominated society in Korea. In Korea, boys are preferred and are treated more favorably than girls and more emphasis is placed on boys† education than girls are. Finally, the emphasis on child education can be seen in Korea where formal education is used as a means of social mobility. According to Min, the most significant change brought about by international migration is the phenomenal increase in wives† economic role coupled with the weakling of husbands† role as provider. Korean immigrant working women make an important income contribution to the family finances. Min claims that Korean wives play a more important role than their husbands do in many family business, particularly small dry cleaning shops and small restaurants. Also it is easier for Korean immigrant wives to find jobs compared to their husbands because of the demand for blue-collar jobs. Even though Korean wives play an important economic role, their power and status in Korean society does not increase. Min claims the status of a Korean woman as a â€Å"helper† in the family business rather than as a co-owner also diminishes her social status and influence in the Korean immigrant community. Also the segregation of Korean immigrants at economic and religious levels bolsters the patriarchal ideology they brought with them from Korea. However, reality still remains and Korean women†s increased economic role in many Korean immigrant families has reduced their husband†s patriarchal authority, creating new sources of marital conflict and sometimes leading to separation and divorce. Koreans† child care and child socialization patterns undergo significant changes when they move to the United States. The major reason Min gives is the increase in Korean Immigrant women†s participation in the labor force. In the U. S. Korean women who work and have pre-school children depend on private nurseries or an elderly mother or mother-in-law for child care while they continue to work. This is a contrast compared with life in Korea where women who have pre-school children usually do not participate in paid work, but instead focus on child care. Also because both Korean parents work long hours outside the home, many children are left unsupervised at home. Min believes that this has lead to juvenile delinquency among Korean children, and may cause problems in the psychological development of a child. Another change in Korean family lifestyle is in gender socialization. There has been a change from the preference of male children, and equal treatment in educational aspects between boys and girls. However, the emphasis on children†s success in education has not changed since Korean immigrants moved to New York. Korean par ents push their children to do academics so they can attend a prestigious college and choose a field that leads to a high-status more common for them to live with their daughters than with sons. Second, Korean elderly do not depend on their children for financial support or expect support from their children. This is due to the welfare programs for the elderly, which have made them independent from their children. Finally, Min states that the vast majority of Korean elderly are satisfied with their lives in N. Y. and plan to live here permanently. The reasons Min gives for Korean elderly life satisfaction are their economic and residential independence, involvement in strong . The Korean elderly have also been affected by the changes in the traditional family system. First, many Korean elderly live independently of their children, and it is friendship networks and access to ethnic services in Queens, low expectations for economic and occupational success, and their deeply religious lives. Finally, Min explains how new technology and improvements in international travel has helped Koreans maintain strong ties to friends and relatives in their home country. The advanced in these two areas of technology and travel has lead to improve communication between family members. For example, more Korean family members can keep in touch with their relatives in Korea because of the increased convenience and affordability. The increase in communication between Korea and the U. S. has lead to the creation of â€Å"international commuter marriages†. Min describes international commuter marriages as being marriages where the husband has returned to Korea for a better occupation while his wife and children remains in the U. S. to take advantage of educational opportunities. Th advance in communication and travel has helped international commuter marriages prosper because now spouses can visit each other several times a year and talk on the phone every week. Min provides a detailed analysis of the Korean family. Min†s book opens up the reader to a society that the public knows little about. He provides an understanding of norms and beliefs of Korean society. By doing so, Min dismisses the stereotypes that plague Korean society. The data used in the book is solidly backed up by experiences of Korean people making it valid and logical. Finally, the book was written in 1998 making Min†s ideas relevant for today†s Korean society.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Organizational Management and Operations Essay

Organizational Management and Operations The subject to describe is policing organizations at various levels. The author will identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels (CJA/484 – Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The author will analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at the local, state, and federal levels are similar or different and why (CJA/484 – Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level will be identified (CJA – Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). According to Walker & Katz (2008) â€Å"American policing is a highly fragmented organization. Law enforcement in the United States is a large and extremely complex enterprise. Almost 18,000 federal, state, and local agencies exist along with a private security industry that employs over a million additional people. Currently there is no formal centralized system that exists for coordinating or regulating all the different agencies at the local, state, and federal levels.† The government agencies at the local level of law enforcement include the Municipal police, County police, and County sheriffs. The state levels of law enforcement include the state police, and the Bureau of criminal investigations. The federal levels of law enforcement include federal law enforcement agencies and the Military law enforcement, such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice. These two departments have several branches, such as the Bureau of Customs and Border Protec tion, Drug Enforcement Agency, Bureau of Immigration, and Customs Enforcements, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Transportation Security Administration, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Secret Service, the United States Marshals Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and  Explosives, which fall under the respected departments. Included under law enforcement agencies are also special district police, which includes public schools, transit police, college, university police, and private security firms (Walker & Katz, 2008). The municipal police departments are also referred to as city police. City police departments play a major role within the community. Municipal police department’s police officers are sworn in and have the heaviest responsibilities when dealing with serious crimes and the citizens in the neighborhoods in which the officers patrol. Municipal police officers are responsible for various maintenance problems and emergency services such as responding to minor disturbances, noncriminal events, public disturbances, traffic enforcement, routine patrol, and other miscellaneous calls (Walker& Katz, 2008). County police departments have police officers who serve as municipal police officers but they operate on a countywide basis; however, these officers do not have the non-law enforcement roles of the county sheriff. County sheriffs are elected in office except for in two states Rhode Island and Hawaii. County sheriffs have a unique role because they serve the three components of the criminal justice system: courts, law enforcement, and corrections. County sheriff department personnel roles and responsibilities include routine patrol, crime investigation, enforcement of traffic laws, process serving, court security, jail operations, and search and rescue (Walker & Katz, 2008). According to Walker & Katz (2008) â€Å"Special district police agencies such as some university campus and college police officers serve government agencies however the special district police agencies have their own police force. Most of the officers who are part of the special district agency are state certified law enforcement agents. Officers of the special district police agencies are sworn officers that are certified by the state, have the right to make general arrest, and participate in the Federal Bureau of Investigations Uniform Crime Report Systems. Many universities and college campuses opt out of government agency officers and choose to have private  security of their choice.† Private security firms include private agencies security personnel, which is privately employed by the firm as part or full-time employees. The roles and responsibilities of these officers are patrolling and providing protection at public and private housing complexes, office complexes, ma lls, gaming officers and investigators, loss prevention specialists, patrol services, and armored patrol services. Different from police agencies the private security agencies focus on more than crime they deal with property, consumer satisfaction, and personal assets. The private police organizations can ban people from establishments, fire employees, and pursue prosecution in criminal courts. Also included in private security is the red light and speed enforced cameras designed to ticket people caught speeding and running red lights Walker & Katz, (2008). State law enforcement agencies consist of three categories: state investigative agencies, highway patrols, and state police. State police have statewide police powers for criminal investigations and traffic regulation. Highway patrol officers have the right to arrest non-traffic violators within their jurisdiction and enforce traffic regulations statewide. State law enforcement agencies have the primary responsibility for enforcing traffic laws throughout the state on the highways; however, the state law enforcement agencies patrol concurrently with local police. The responsibilities of state law enforcement agencies vary in different states; some state law enforcement agencies have the responsi bility of training recruits and operating training academies Walker & Katz, (2008). The federal law enforcement agency is more complex and smaller than the local level agencies and differs in the roles and responsibilities of the personnel. The employees at the federal law enforcement level do not respond to 911 calls or local disturbances. The Customs and Border Protections are responsible for ensuring that cargo entering the United States is legal. It works to prevent weapons of mass destruction, illegal immigrants, diseased plants, and animals, and the smuggling of drugs across the border. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is responsible for enforcing custom and immigration laws, along with protecting federal buildings, Marines, and air enforcement (Walker & Katz, (2008). The Federal Emergency Management Agency shares the responsibility of coordinating with private, government, and nonprofit organizations to manage emergency preparedness. The Transportation  Security Administration has the responsibility for protecting the nation’s transportation systems. The United States Coast Guard is responsible for security missions that may be related to security. Some roles responsible by the Coast Guard are the waterways, ports, and coastal security. The United States Secret Service is responsible for providing protection for the former and current presidents, vice presidents, and their immediate family members. The Secret Service also deals with money laundering and computer fraud (Walker & Katz, (2008). Under the Department of Justice the Drug Enforcement Administration sector is responsible for enforcing federal regulations and laws concerning controlled substances. The Federal Bureau of Investigations focuses on preventing terrorist attacks. The United States Marshall Office is responsible for housing federal detainees, providing security to federal courts, and conducting fugitive investigations and placing eligib le people in the witness protection program. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives are responsible for investigating firearm trafficking, enforcing federal firearm laws, preventing criminals and terrorists from possessing explosives, ensuring that individuals who possess explosives are properly licensed, and enforcing federal laws in the collection of federal taxes on alcohol and tobacco products (Walker & Katz, (2008). The author has identified, compared, and contrasted policing functions at the local, state, and federal organizational levels. The organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at the local, state, and federal levels have been analyzed to find the similarities and differences in the three organizational levels. The leadership characteristics of any criminal justice professional should References Grant, H. B., & Terry, K. J. (2008). Law Enforcement in the 21st Century (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Walker, S., & Katz, C. M. (2008). The Police in America (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Value based purchasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Value based purchasing - Essay Example This situation where we need to provoke health care employees to serve clients should change and they should voluntarily provide best care to their clients. Here, we intend to prove that, value added purchasing need to be eliminated as this destroys the commitment and voluntary assisting nature of health care employees. Logically, it is arguable that, the idea of permitting bonus to the health care employees to provide quality health care is non beneficial for the employers of health care industry. As pr (Porter)â€Å"Value based purchasing is, however, a critical external motivator in establishing a business case for why providers of care should embrace, leads, and implements the reengineering of healthcare delivery†. From a logos concept, health care professionals need to be concentrating solely on the idea of providing the best health care treatment to their clients as it is the ethical law of their duty When it comes to ethos, the focus is on the policies and statutory laws of the health care professional and industry. A health care provider, especially the nurses, by the nature of their professional law is liable to perform quality service as they work on ethics and moral standards. As per (Butt) â€Å"Historically, a primary value consideration in nursing ethics has been the determination of the focus of the nurses’ work†. On the other hand, the pathos concentrates on the emotional background, where the health care professional needs to understand the pain and suffering undergone by their clients and serve them with utmost care. The allotment of bonus to the health care professional is in real sense, blocking the development of their commitment to the job. Ultimately there is no need of a plan for quality service by health care professional as the job by its nature itself demands high quality. Today health care industry is a wide spread business, where the employers attempt to earn profit in a short cut manner. According to (Mathews)â€Å"Hospitals are